Can You Take Ashwagandha For Long-Term Effects?



Ashwagandha is a popular herbal supplement that provides a variety of benefits to the body. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine and has recently become popular among Westerners due to its potential health benefits as well. Some people take ashwagandha for general wellness purposes, while others use it for specific conditions like anxiety or inflammation. So what are some long-term effects of this supplement? Can you take ashwagandha every day? Let’s find out!

Ashwagandha is a completely natural herbal supplement that provides a variety of benefits.

Ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, is a natural herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. It’s very popular in India and was even written about by Charaka, one of India’s greatest physicians.

In addition to its long-standing use for its health benefits, ashwagandha has recently been studied more extensively and shown to be effective at improving emotional health as well.

It helps with the body’s stress response, which means it can help prevent long-term physiological damage to the body caused by stress.

Stress is a natural part of life, but too much stress can cause damage to the body over time. Stress can make you feel fatigued and tired, as well as cause muscle tension and headaches. It also increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

When people think of stress they usually think about emotional or psychological issues, like feeling overwhelmed at work or school; however, there are many physical causes for stress as well. For example:

  • Exercise can increase the amount of cortisol in your body which is the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar levels while also suppressing inflammation in certain areas (such as muscles).  This leads us into our next point…

Ashwagandha helps reduce cortisol levels, which are directly linked to the body’s primary stress response.

Ashwagandha has been shown to help reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol, or hydrocortisone, is a stress hormone that is released in response to stress. The body naturally produces cortisol when it’s under stress, but high levels of this hormone can lead to serious health problems such as obesity and depression. However, when you take ashwagandha regularly on a long-term basis (as opposed to taking it sporadically), your body will develop a tolerance for the herb and your cortisol levels will eventually go down—resulting in improved moods overall!

Ashwagandha can protect against brain cell degeneration and damage, improving cognitive function.

  • Ashwagandha can protect against brain cell degeneration and damage, improving cognitive function.
  • Ashwagandha helps with depression and anxiety.
  • Ashwagandha is used to treat chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).


Ashwagandha is a completely natural herbal supplement that provides a variety of benefits. It helps with the body’s stress response, which means it can help prevent long-term physiological damage to the body caused by stress.

It’s also known for its anti-anxiety effects and ability to promote deep sleep, so it can help you get better rest at night. If you’re looking for something to ease your mind and help you relax before bedtime, ashwagandha may be an option worth considering.


Overall, ashwagandha is a great supplement to take if you want to improve your physical and mental health. It can help hydrate the body, reduce stress levels, and even protect against brain cell damage. If you are looking for a way to improve your overall health then this may be just the thing for you!


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